Carlos completed his dental (BDS) and medical degrees (MD) at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM) in 2016 and 2020, respectively.
From 2015 to 2018 he was awarded the “Adolfo López Mateos” Research Scholarship to pursue research studies at the Neurochemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, UAEM, under the guidance of Dr. Irazú Contreras. After completing his clinical training, he got enrolled into the National Program of Health Research at the Cellular and Molecular Immunology Laboratory of the Institute of Cellular Physiology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
In 2020, he was awarded with a scholarship by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology and moved to London for pursuing a Masters in Regenerative Dentistry at King´s College London under the guidance of Prof. Cynthia Andoniadou. First as a master’s student and then as a Research Assistant, he worked on the role of Fibroblast Growth Factors in the pituitary gland stem cell compartment using in vivo and in silico approaches.
In 2022 he was awarded a UKRI studentship to continue with his training under the PhD programme in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics at King´s College London. He is currently a PhD student at the Frost Lab, interested on the role of the X-linked KDM6A lysine demethylase on the development of the human placenta.
Outside the lab he plays violin, mostly focused on baroque music, and he enjoys listening to the most recent releases in metal music. He is an avid reader of fiction, non-fiction, and journals related with science and music. He also practices Olympic weightlifting and is easily found at King´s College gym outside working hours.
Read Carlos’ recent publication here: Single-cell RNA-seq identifies protracted mouse germline X chromosome reactivation dynamics directed by a PRC2-dependent mechanism