

H2A.X Promotes Endosperm-Specific DNA Methylation in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Frost, Jennifer M, Jaehoon Lee, Ping-Hung Hsieh, Samuel J H Lin, Yunsook Min, Matthew Bauer, Anne M Runkel, Hyung-Taeg Cho, Tzung-Fu Hsieh, Robert L Fischer, et al

 BMC Plant Biology 23 (1): 585

Vitamin C Activates Young LINE-1 Elements in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells via H3K9me3 Demethylation

Cheng, Kevin C L, Jennifer M Frost, Francisco J Sánchez-Luque, Marta García-Canãdas, Darren Taylor, Wan R Yang, Branavy Irayanar, et al

Epigenetics & Chromatin 16 (1): 39

Distinct Regulatory Pathways Contribute to Dynamic CHH Methylation Patterns in Transposable Elements throughout Arabidopsis Embryogenesis

Lee, Jaehoon, Seunga Lee, Kyunghyuk Park, Sang-Yoon Shin, Jennifer M Frost, Ping-Hung Hsieh, Chanseok Shin, Robert L Fischer, Tzung-Fu Hsieh, and Yeonhee Choi

Frontiers in Plant Science 14 (June): 1204279

Embryo-Specific Epigenetic Mechanisms Reconstitute the CHH Methylation Landscape during Arabidopsis Embryogenesis

Hsieh, Ping-Hung, Jennifer M. Frost, Yeonhee Choi, Tzung-Fu Hsieh, Daniel Zilberman, and Robert L Fischer

BioRxiv, April

Regulation of Human Trophoblast Gene Expression by Endogenous Retroviruses

Frost, Jennifer M, Samuele M Amante, Hiroaki Okae, Eleri M Jones, Brogan Ashley, Rohan M Lewis, Jane K Cleal, et al

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 30 (4): 527–38


Placental Uptake and Metabolism of 25(OH)Vitamin D Determine Its Activity within the Fetoplacental Unit

Ashley, Brogan, Claire Simner, Antigoni Manousopoulou, Carl Jenkinson, Felicity Hey, Jennifer M Frost, Faisal I Rezwan, et al

ELife 11 (March)


The DME Demethylase Regulates Sporophyte Gene Expression, Cell Proliferation, Differentiation, and Meristem Resurrection

Kim, Seohyun, Jin-Sup Park, Jaehoon Lee, Kiseok Keith Lee, Ok-Sun Park, Hee-Seung Choi, Pil Joon Seo, et al

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (29)


Nuclear Chaperone ASF1 Is Required for Gametogenesis in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Min, Yunsook, Jennifer M Frost, and Yeonhee Choi

Scientific Reports 9 (1): 13959

The Catalytic Core of DEMETER Guides Active DNA Demethylation in Arabidopsis

Zhang, Changqing, Yu-Hung Hung, Hyun Jung Rim, Dapeng Zhang, Jennifer M Frost, Hosub Shin, Hosung Jang, et al

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (35): 17563–71

Regulation of Transposable Elements by DNA Modifications

Deniz, Özgen, Jennifer M Frost, and Miguel R Branco

Nature Reviews. Genetics 20 (7): 432


FACT Complex Is Required for DNA Demethylation at Heterochromatin during Reproduction in Arabidopsis.

Frost, Jennifer M, Jaehoon Lee, Ping-Hung Hsieh, Samuel J H Lin, Yunsook Min, Matthew Bauer, Anne M Runkel, Hyung-Taeg Cho, Tzung-Fu Hsieh, Robert L Fischer, et al. 2023

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115 (20): E4720–29


Control of DEMETER DNA Demethylase Gene Transcription in Male and Female Gamete Companion Cells in Arabidopsis Thaliana

Park, Jin-Sup, Jennifer M Frost, Kyunghyuk Park, Hyonhwa Ohr, Guen Tae Park, Seohyun Kim, Hyunjoo Eom, et al

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (8): 2078–83


Optimized Methods for the Isolation of Arabidopsis Female Central Cells and Their Nuclei

Park, Kyunghyuk, Jennifer M Frost, Adam James Adair, Dong Min Kim, Hyein Yun, Janie S Brooks, Robert L Fischer, and Yeonhee Choi

Molecules and Cells 39 (10): 768–75


The Role and Interaction of Imprinted Genes in Human Fetal Growth

Moore, Gudrun E, Miho Ishida, Charalambos Demetriou, Lara Al-Olabi, Lydia J Leon, Anna C Thomas, Sayeda Abu-Amero, et al

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 370 (1663): 20140074

Genome-Wide Methylation Analysis in Silver-Russell Syndrome Patients

Prickett, A R, M Ishida, S Böhm, J M Frost, W Puszyk, S Abu-Amero, P Stanier, R Schulz, G E Moore, and R J Oakey

Human Genetics 134 (3): 317–32


Nucleoporin MOS7/Nup88 Is Required for Mitosis in Gametogenesis and Seed Development in Arabidopsis

Park, Guen Tae, Jennifer M Frost, Jin-Sup Park, Tae Ho Kim, Jong Seob Lee, Sung Aeong Oh, David Twell, Janie Sue Brooks, Robert L Fischer, and Yeonhee Choi

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (51): 18393–98

Cell-Autonomous-like Silencing of GFP-Partitioned Transgenic Nicotiana Benthamiana

Sohn, Seong-Han, Jennifer Frost, Yoon-Hee Kim, Seung-Kook Choi, Yi Lee, Mi-Suk Seo, Sun-Hyung Lim, Yeonhee Choi, Kook-Hyung Kim, and George Lomonossoff

Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (15): 4271–83


Epigenetic Control of Seed Gene Imprinting

Ibarra, Christian A., Jennifer M. Frost, Juhyun Shin, Tzung‐Fu Hsieh, and Robert L. Fischer

In Seed Genomics, edited by Philip W. Becraft, 63–82. Wiley


The Speech Gene FOXP2 Is Not Imprinted

Thomas, Anna C, Jennifer M Frost, Miho Ishida, Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, Gudrun E Moore, and Philip Stanier

Journal of Medical Genetics 49 (11): 669–70

Valproic Acid Confers Functional Pluripotency to Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells in a Transgene-Free Approach

Moschidou, Dafni, Sayandip Mukherjee, Michael P Blundell, Katharina Drews, Gemma N Jones, Hassan Abdulrazzak, Beata Nowakowska, et al

Molecular Therapy 20 (10): 1953–67


Human Imprinted Retrogenes Exhibit Non-Canonical Imprint Chromatin Signatures and Reside in Non-Imprinted Host Genes

Monk, David, Philippe Arnaud, Jennifer M Frost, Andrew J Wood, Michael Cowley, Alejandro Martin-Trujillo, Amy Guillaumet-Adkins, et al

Nucleic Acids Research 39 (11): 4577–86

The Effects of Culture on Genomic Imprinting Profiles in Human Embryonic and Fetal Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Frost, Jennifer, Dave Monk, Dafni Moschidou, Pascale V Guillot, Philip Stanier, Stephen L Minger, Nicholas M Fisk, Harry D Moore, and Gudrun E Moore

Epigenetics 6 (1): 52–62


Evaluation of Allelic Expression of Imprinted Genes in Adult Human Blood

Frost, Jennifer M, Dave Monk, Taita Stojilkovic-Mikic, Kathryn Woodfine, Lyn S Chitty, Adele Murrell, Philip Stanier, and Gudrun E Moore

Plos One 5 (10): e13556

Telomeric NAP1L4 and OSBPL5 of the KCNQ1 Cluster, and the DECORIN Gene Are Not Imprinted in Human Trophoblast Stem Cells

Frost, Jennifer M, Ramya Udayashankar, Harry D Moore, and Gudrun E Moore

Plos One 5 (7): e11595

The Importance of Imprinting in the Human Placenta

Frost, Jennifer M, and Gudrun E Moore

PLoS Genetics 6 (7): e1001015


Epigenetics, Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Growth Restriction

Frost, Jennifer M, Sayeda Abu-Amero, Caroline Daelemans, and Gudrun E Moore

In Reproductive Genetics, edited by Sean Kehoe, Lyn Chitty, and Tessa Homfray, 71–82. Cambridge University Press

Reciprocal Imprinting of Human GRB10 in Placental Trophoblast and Brain: Evolutionary Conservation of Reversed Allelic Expression

Monk, David, Philippe Arnaud, Jennifer Frost, Frank A Hills, Philip Stanier, Robert Feil, and Gudrun E Moore

Human Molecular Genetics 18 (16): 3066–74


The Genetic Aetiology of Silver-Russell Syndrome

Abu-Amero, S, D Monk, J Frost, M Preece, P Stanier, and G E Moore

Journal of Medical Genetics 45 (4): 193–99


Elevated Placental Expression of the Imprinted PHLDA2 Gene Is Associated with Low Birth Weight

Apostolidou, S, S Abu-Amero, K O’Donoghue, J Frost, O Olafsdottir, K M Chavele, J C Whittaker, P Loughna, P Stanier, and G E Moore

Journal of Molecular Medicine 85 (4): 379–87